The destination system must have at least an equal amount of processors and memory available ( as dictated by the active partition profile) as the host mobile partition. 目标系统必须与主机迁移分区具有相同数量的内存和处理器(在活动分区配置文件已经指定)。
The destination system must have at least an equal amount of available memory and processors as the migrating partition â™ s current usage. 目标系统的可用内存和处理器的数量至少要和迁移分区当前使用数量相同。
My words have a special affection, one by one covered with fragrant white ink I found a spiritual destination in the hands of my mind sees, passing my hazy memory and a touch of sadness. 我对文字有着特殊的感情,一张张沾满墨香的白纸让我找到了心灵的归宿,寄托我的情思,传递我朦胧的记忆和淡淡的忧伤。